Monday, March 31, 2014

Writing with Pencils!

Our blog is called Yellow Pencils, so shouldn't we write about…pencils???

Even with computers, smartphones, tablets, and all the other devices out there, the humble pencil is an incredible writing tool. 

Think about it.

  • It's portable.

  • It's cheap. 

  • There's always one handy.

  • It doesn't need a battery or electricity.

  • It never crashes.

  • If someone takes yours, you can always find another one. 

  • Best of all, it usually comes with an eraser at the end, perfect for us writers to make changes or revisions.

So let's pay tribute to the humble pencil.

Write a poem about your favorite pencil. Or create a story about a talking pencil. Or rewrite a folktale with pencils in the starring roles. Cinderpencil? Hansel and Pencil? Goldilocks and the Three Pencils? 

Use your imagination! And of course, write your story with a pencil. I'm biased toward yellow, but any color will do!