Monday, March 10, 2014

A Silly Story

Don't you love silly stories? I do. The only thing better than reading a silly story is writing one.

Try finishing this silly story. Let your imaginations go wild. Exaggeration is a big part of what makes humor funny. 

While you're writing, don't forget to eat some pretzels! 

The Giant Pretzels

It all started when I took my pet iguana for a walk. His name is ___________________________________.  I was hungry, so we stopped at the ______________________________________________________________________ for a banana and ____________________________________________________________.

When we left, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Two giant pretzels were  _______________________________________________________ing down the sidewalk! They were the size of a __________________________________________________________________ and wore  polka-dotted ________________________________________________________________________________.

            I jumped. My iguana hissed. To my surprise, the two pretzels suddenly __________________________________________________________________________all over the _______________________________________________________________________!

Then it got even worse….