Monday, March 3, 2014

Spotlight on Prepositions


They're those small words that appear before a noun or pronoun to express a relationship with another word. 


Better to show examples:

  • the alligator from the lagoon

  • the ghost in the dungeon 

  • the sprinkles on the ice cream 

  • the sign behind the pit

  • the vampires at the beach

  • the girl with the pet gorilla 

  • the dagger above him 

We don't often think about prepositions when we write. They're those "filler" words that we use automatically.

Poor prepositions! They don't get any respect. It's time to put the spotlight on these little words that work so hard. 

Choose 5 prepositions from this list:

  • from, in, on, behind, at, with, above, toward, without, to, beyond, into, under, about, around, over, across, between, against, during, after, before  

Here's your challenge: to use those 5 prepositions in a paragraph. 

Here's mine:

The alligator from the lagoon was unhappy. All day, he lay on a rock without sunscreen. Now he was horribly sunburned. He crawled into the water to get some relief. Ahhhh! The alligator closed his eyes and dreamed about Antarctica. 

Your turn to write with prepositions. Have fun thinking about these important words!