Monday, January 13, 2014

Questions for Writers

Those who follow Yellow Pencils know that I usually write fiction. To me, making up stories is way high on my list of fun things to do.

But sometimes it's fun to write about ourselves. To be more specific: to ask ourselves "writer questions."

What are those? They're questions only we can answer.

When we write, we not only create a story, article, novel, or poem. We also learn more about ourselves. 

So get out a piece of paper, turn to a fresh page in your journal, or open a blank screen on your computer. 

Just for fun--to see what's inside your brain--try writing the answer to one or two questions below. 

Remember, there's no right or wrong answer. We're all different, and our answers will be different, too. They'll be as unique as our handprints. 

The only "right" answer is the one that comes from YOU, a unique and wonderful person on this planet.

  • What is the best birthday present you could ever receive?

  • What three words describe you right now?

  • What color makes you feel happy, and why?

  • What is the best advice you ever received?

  • What would you do if you found a magic wand?

Did you learn something about yourself? Congratulations for taking some time to write about YOU!