Monday, November 26, 2012

Cat Twins

I haven't written about cats for a while. I love cats, kittens, and felines of all sorts, and can't imagine being a writer without at least two cats in the house. (My husband and I have Max and Zoey.) Who would listen to me talk about the beautiful sentence I just wrote? Or hear me complain about the beautiful sentence I didn't write? 

When I saw this cat who looks nearly identical to Max, I had to take his photo. I started to wonder about Cat Twins. What if a cat had a long-lost identical twin across town, or on the other side of the world? 

I don't mean litter mates. I mean two cats who are identical in every way. And what if those two cats met and had an adventure together? 

What would their names be? Would they be allies or enemies? Would they have bionic powers? What would their story be?  

My story might be named "Max and Xam," and feature two black-and-white tuxedo cats out to save the last jar of catnip on Planet Earth from the evil, cat-hating Dastardly Dog. 

What is your Cat Twin story? 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Thanksgiving "Thank You" Pie

Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks...and eating. Let's combine the two and create a "Thank You" pie.

What are you thankful for in your life? Put it in your pie. Here's mine, with a focus on my writing life. 

One gallon of time to write each morning 
Two cups of my local library 
Five pounds of my writing critique group 
One box of my cat Max who sleeps next to me when I write
Three tablespoons of my favorite notebook 

Put all the ingredients together in a large bowl. Stir. Sprinkle with gratitude and pour into a pie plate. Get a yummy feeling thinking about all the great things in your life. 

What would you put in your pie?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Magic Pen Story Starters Part III

This fall I'm teaching workshops for writers ages 8 to 12. Most of the writers have a story idea when they walk in the door, but I always bring Magic Pen Story Starters for those who need inspiration. I hope one (or more) of these ideas gets your pen moving!

1) Write these folktales:

  • "The Day Hansel and Gretel Became Zombies"
  • "Welcome to Rapunzel's Beauty Shop"
  • "The Three Bears' Nightmare in Hawaii"

2) Write a story with these three things in it:

  • a pair of scissors, a sailboat, and a green gorilla
  • a broken computer, a monster with a chipped tooth, and a torn map
  • a zoo, an airplane, and an escaped ice cube

3) Write a story with this first line:

  • The magic pen floated toward me.
  • The leg jumped from the ship just in time.
  • My favorite color is purple, and that's because I'm an eggplant.
  • You might think it's weird that our school "day" starts at 10:00 at night and ends at 4:00 in the morning.

4) Write a poem or story about:

  • Yourself in which nothing is true
  • A blue egg
  • November
  • Something you've lost
  • Your shadow

Take one or more of these ideas, and let your pen (or your pencil or your computer) work its magic! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Crazy Voting Story

Today is Election Day in the United States. Unfortunately for kids, you must be 18 or older to cast a ballot. 

You may not be able to vote for real, but you can write "My Crazy Voting Story." Make it as crazy as you like!

My Crazy Voting Story

Today is Election Day, so I headed to ____________________________ to vote. I looked for the voting booths, but instead I found _________________________________. The candidate I was voting for, ________________________,  was _______________________________________.  

I asked if she needed help. She responded, "__________________________." I shook my head and placed a _____________ in the __________________ to vote. 

The next day I went to City Hall. My candidate had _____________! There was a sign in the window: _________________________. 

I took a ___________________ and went home, thinking _______________________________.

My Crazy Voting Story

Today is Election Day, so I headed to the pickle store to vote. I looked for the voting booths, but instead I found barrels of pickles and loaves of bread. The candidate I was voting for, Annabeard Muttonchops, was making pickle sandwiches. 

I asked if she needed help. She responded, "Not today. I'm too busy running for office." I shook my head and placed a pickle in the barrel to vote.

The next day I went to City Hall. My candidate had won! There was a sign in the window: Free Pickle Sandwiches for all! 

I took a sandwich and went home, thinking Ms. Muttonchops sure knew how to run a good campaign.