Monday, November 26, 2012

Cat Twins

I haven't written about cats for a while. I love cats, kittens, and felines of all sorts, and can't imagine being a writer without at least two cats in the house. (My husband and I have Max and Zoey.) Who would listen to me talk about the beautiful sentence I just wrote? Or hear me complain about the beautiful sentence I didn't write? 

When I saw this cat who looks nearly identical to Max, I had to take his photo. I started to wonder about Cat Twins. What if a cat had a long-lost identical twin across town, or on the other side of the world? 

I don't mean litter mates. I mean two cats who are identical in every way. And what if those two cats met and had an adventure together? 

What would their names be? Would they be allies or enemies? Would they have bionic powers? What would their story be?  

My story might be named "Max and Xam," and feature two black-and-white tuxedo cats out to save the last jar of catnip on Planet Earth from the evil, cat-hating Dastardly Dog. 

What is your Cat Twin story?