Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Magic Pen Story Starters Part III

This fall I'm teaching workshops for writers ages 8 to 12. Most of the writers have a story idea when they walk in the door, but I always bring Magic Pen Story Starters for those who need inspiration. I hope one (or more) of these ideas gets your pen moving!

1) Write these folktales:

  • "The Day Hansel and Gretel Became Zombies"
  • "Welcome to Rapunzel's Beauty Shop"
  • "The Three Bears' Nightmare in Hawaii"

2) Write a story with these three things in it:

  • a pair of scissors, a sailboat, and a green gorilla
  • a broken computer, a monster with a chipped tooth, and a torn map
  • a zoo, an airplane, and an escaped ice cube

3) Write a story with this first line:

  • The magic pen floated toward me.
  • The leg jumped from the ship just in time.
  • My favorite color is purple, and that's because I'm an eggplant.
  • You might think it's weird that our school "day" starts at 10:00 at night and ends at 4:00 in the morning.

4) Write a poem or story about:

  • Yourself in which nothing is true
  • A blue egg
  • November
  • Something you've lost
  • Your shadow

Take one or more of these ideas, and let your pen (or your pencil or your computer) work its magic!