Monday, November 7, 2011

Writing an Alphabet Poem

Every person who writes a newspaper story knows that the 5 most important questions to ask and to answer in your story are Who? What? When? Where? Why?

What if we turned those 5 questions into a poem, and had fun with the alphabet?

Here's the pattern. Our poem will have 5 lines answering our 5 questions:

Line 1: Who? (the subject)
Line 2: What? (what happened)
Line 3: When (when did it happen)
Line 4: Where (where did it happen)
Line 5: Why? (why did it happen)

Ready to start? Pick a letter of the alphabet. Let's say we pick S. Here's our poem:

Who? Sam
What? Slithered sneakily
When? After snack time
Where? To the sandbox
Why? For a snooze.

Now let's take off the questions, and we have our finished poem:

slithered sneakily
after snack time
to the sandbox
for a snooze.

Now you try one. Pick a letter of the alphabet. Will you pick J, T, or M? Or the first letter of your name? (Warning: Q and X are the hardest.) Have fun writing your alphabet poem!