Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Last week I wrote about November, and I'm still thinking about the things I love about this month.

I love the sky in November. Here in the Pacific Northwest it's often gray, but the sun is trying to peek through. The shades of gray are all different and alive, and always changing--mouse gray, almost-white, soft gray, or metal gray.

In November, a picture book by Cynthia Rylant and illustrated by Jill Kastner (published by Harcourt in 2000), is one of my favorite books about November. The book is like a poem to a month that doesn't get noticed too much, except at Thanksgiving.

What do you like about November? Thanksgiving with your family? The first snow? Getting out your mittens? Sleeping in on weekends? Raking the last leaves? Watching which birds migrate? Getting ready for Christmas?

Make a list of your favorite things about November, and write a poem about them. And don't forget to have a great Thanksgiving. I'm grateful for everyone who reads "Yellow Pencils," and I'm grateful for November!