Monday, May 2, 2011

Naming Places and Things

It's fun to name characters in a story, but it's also fun to name things in your story.

In this exercise, name the following things and imagine the stories they might go in. When you come up with a story idea you love, write the story!

  • a desert town
  • a disease that's just been discovered
  • a diner
  • quadruplets
  • a combination laundromat and beauty salon
  • a new diet soda
  • a summer cottage
  • a rock band
  • a circus
  • a tree house
  • a parking garage
  • a shoe store
Here's my idea for a desert town named Crazy Rock: A girl who's lived near the ocean all her life moves to Crazy Rock, a town of 100 people in the Arizona desert. She misses the water so much, she decides to find a way to bring a bit of the ocean to her new home....

Excuse me while I go write the story. Try naming the things above and finding your own idea for a story!