Monday, May 9, 2011


When people read our stories, they want to feel our characters' emotions. How do we put emotion into a story?

We can write about our characters' emotions by thinking about our own emotions. We don't have to be gushy or drip tears all over the page (or screen). But we can think about a time we felt the same way our character is feeling.

If your character is angry: think about a time someone made you really mad. What did you do? Did you want to hit someone? Did your heart start racing? Did your face get hot? Did you roll your hands into fists? Or did you go off by yourself to cool down?

If your character is happy: think about a time you felt true joy. What did you do? Did you jump up and down ? Did you cheer? Or did you sit quietly and let the wave of happiness wash over you?

If your character is jealous: think about a time you felt "green" with jealousy because your friend received a wonderful gift. What did you do? Did you make a sarcastic remark? Did you try to grab the gift? Or did you force yourself to make a kind remark, even though you didn't feel like it?

Look at the photo of the boy above. What do you think just happened? What emotion is this boy feeling? Think about a time you felt that same emotion. How did you react? Would this boy react the same way?

Write a paragraph describing how the boy is feeling. Maybe your description will make him feel better!