Monday, June 25, 2012

Wacky Ice Cream

It's summer, and that cream!

We may not be able to eat five scoops of ice cream at once, but how about naming five new ice cream flavors? Say good-bye to plain old vanilla and chocolate. Here's your chance to be creative.

Naming things is one of the funnest parts about writing. Let your imagination go crazy. Think about a hot, sizzling day, and come up with five exciting, over-the-top, wacky names for ice cream flavors. 

While you're imagining licking one of those deliciously goofy ice cream cones, try using your exciting new names in a story you're writing. 

Here are my wacky flavors. What are yours?

1. Star Light Strobe Light Strawberry
2. Polka-Dot Packs-a-Punch Pistachio 
3. Five-Alarm Fire Fantastically Fabulous Fudge  
4. Chill Out, Man Chillcolate
5. Razzie-Dazzie Rambunctious Raspberry 

Now excuse me. I think I hear the ice-cream truck outside.