Monday, February 13, 2012

More on Writing 15 Minutes a Day

How did you do on writing 15 minutes a day? Pretty good? Wonderful!

I like to have one day a week where I don't do my usual day-to-day activities. I've made that day Sunday. On Sunday I'm flexible on whether I write for 15 minutes. If I do, great. If I don't, that's OK too.

What are ways to use your 15 minutes a day of writing? Here are some ideas:

1) Pick a character from a story you're writing, and interview your character. Your character "talking" may surprise you with something you want to add to your story.

2) Describe something you see each day but don't really "see." Do you have a clock in your bedroom? Describe it. What does it look like? Does it make a sound? Touch the clock. Is it cool or warm? The clock above has Chinese characters. If you don't have a clock in your room, describe this Chinese clock. How is it the same as American clocks? How is it different?

3) Write one long sentence for 15 minutes. That is a challenge, but I know we're up for it! Keep your pen or pencil moving (and use a lot of commas).

4) Write about the best thing that happened yesterday. You may think nothing "best" happened, but every day has something that makes us feel good.

5) Remember that character from #1 above? Describe that character's lunch. Does your character eat a McDonald's Big Mac with French fries? Or peanut butter and a banana on a bagel? Or a salad with beets and artichokes? Write in detail, describing the colors, taste, feel, and smell of your character's lunch.