Monday, May 19, 2014

Write a Goofy Newspaper Article

Identical Twins Find Rare Coin in Sandbox!

Extinct Turtle Appears at Shopping Mall!

Neighborhood Tree Tells Fortunes!

Clown Finds New Career As Bus Driver!

Senator Invites Martians to Alien Lunch! 

These are some goofy headlines you can have fun with. Try writing a story like a short newspaper article. The more outlandish and exaggerated, the better!

Newspaper writers report the facts: Who, What, When, Where, Why. In our case, we get to make up the "facts."

Here's my "article." How about yours? 

Identical Twins Find Rare Coin in Sandbox!

Ben and Billy Smith, of 1674 Sycamore Drive, discovered a rare coin in their backyard sandbox. According to experts, the coin dates from the Roman Empire, approximately 250 A.D.

The seven-year-old identical twins, who are in second grade at Park Hill Elementary School, were playing in their sandbox Saturday morning when they made the discovery.

"We thought it was something the cat buried," Billy said. "He's always bringing junk home."

"But now we think the coin was buried by a Roman explorer," Ben added.

The rare coin is believed to be worth $1,483, 295. The twins will sell the coin to the National Museum of Rare Stuff in Orlando, Florida.

"I can't wait to get the money," Ben said. "Of course I have to split it with my brother."

"I'm two minutes older," Billy pointed out.

In the past, the twins have found a discarded dog collar, a banana peel, and a broken truck in their sandbox.

"This is our most exciting discovery," Ben said. "With my money I'm going to Disneyland."

"Me, too," Billy added. "But Mom and Dad said something about a college fund."

The Smith family has lived on Sycamore Drive for five years. The sandbox was discovered under an old, moldy tarp when they moved in.