Monday, May 12, 2014

A Character Box

A couple of years ago I wrote about the Idea Box

I think the Idea Box is a great way to get ideas for stories. Place objects into any kind of box you want. When you need an idea to write about, randomly pull out two or three objects to place in your story.

For example: a marble, a seashell, and an old bookmark. What kind of story can you create with those three objects? 

The Idea Box works for characters, too. Instead of placing objects into your box, you can put characters into it. No, not real human people. Cut photos of people from old magazines (make sure you ask if everyone is finished with them).

Find all kinds of people--of different ages, from different countries, and boys and girls. Try to find photos of people doing interesting things--washing a dog, singing on a street corner, or playing with balloons.  

When you need a character for your story, randomly pull one from your Character Box. For example, what is the boy on this page doing with the balloons? Is he giving them to someone? Or is he trying to sell them? Will someone steal his balloons? How will he get them back? 

Create a Character Box and dip into it for great character ideas.