Monday, December 16, 2013

A Writer's List to Santa 2013

It's that time of year again. Time to write to Santa. 

I'm not asking for the latest tablet, a spiffy dictionary, or the newest bells-and-whistles computer. 

Once again I'm asking Santa for words. After all, isn't that what we writers really need? 

Here's my letter to Santa from last year. Santa is magical, so why not ask him for help with our writing? 

Here's my "wish-list" to the big guy in red. 

1. An engaging, struggling character who comes to life on the page.

2. A unique setting that draws my readers in.

3. Descriptions that paint a visual picture in words.

4. Just the right adverbs--sparingly, to give some verbs that extra oomph. 

5. A brilliant, fabulous, magnificent title that entices someone to say, "I have to read that!" 

What's on your list? What will make your stories prance and jingle their way across the page next year?