Monday, April 11, 2011

National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, and that means it's time to write poems! Not that we ever need an excuse to write a poem, but April is a good time to remember how much fun it is to play with words.

So go ahead! Write a poem!

How, you ask?

Start with an acrostic poem. That's one where you use the letters of the person, animal, place, or thing you're writing about to start each line. Like this:

Always running
Moving quickly with her
Yellow braids flying.

Baby seagulls cry while
Early morning swimmers
Arrive with their
Chairs and towels
Hoping for a scorcher.

Use your own name, your street, your favorite ice cream, the best month of the year (in your opinion), or even the word "poem" to write an acrostic poem.

Practically no one writes
Ordinary poems.
Except me.
Maybe it's because I'm extraordinary.