To those of you going back to school this week or next week...have a great year!
I hope you get to do lots of creative writing at school. If not, remember to take your journal with you. Maybe you can squeeze in a few minutes of writing in the morning or when you're waiting for the bus.
When you have only a few moments to write, try doing a character interview.
Think of a character in a story you're writing, or want to write. Here are some questions to ask your character, to get to know who he or she is. In your few moments of writing, write down their answers.
- What's in your backpack this minute?
- What was your very first day of school like?
- What do you want more than anything in the world?
- Where are you the happiest?
- Who's your favorite person and why?
- What talent would you most like to have?
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
- What are you most afraid of?
Go ahead, interview your character. Write down the answers in those few moments you can catch to write.
And now I'm curious. What's in your backpack?
Happy school year!