Monday, May 20, 2013


Verbs are the workhorses of writing. 

Why say "went" when we can write "trudged, skipped, shuffled, scampered, or bolted?" 

Of course sometimes "went" is perfectly fine. But strong verbs use our writing muscles--just as horses use their muscles to charge, sprint, or gallop. Strong verbs paint a vivid picture and draw our readers into the action.  

Take this passage:

The dog went down the sidewalk and saw a cat. He went after it. The cat wasn't friendly.  

How about: 

The dog raced down the sidewalk and spied a cat. He tore after it. The cat spit and arched its back.  

Take a passage from one of your stories and try to put more "muscle" into your verbs. 

See if you can turn your verbs into workhorses. Let your verbs gallop through your sentences!