Monday, April 15, 2013

Telephone Poems

We're still celebrating National Poetry Month! 

These days we all seem to be attached to our phones. So it seems fitting that we combine telephones with poetry....and write a Telephone Poem.

No, this isn't an ode to our phones (as much as we love our smart phones, dumb phones, or whatever kind of phones we have).

A Telephone Poem uses your phone number as a start-off point to write a poem. 

Write your phone number down the left-hand side of a page or screen. 

Now write a poem in which each line contains as many words as the number opposite it. The number zero can be no words--an empty line--or it can be a "wild card" to fill any way you want. 

I'll make up a phone number (with no area code, so we can't call it): 545-8604. I'm going to use the zero as a "wild card," a line with as many words as I want. 

Extreme Tide

5   Yesterday the extreme low tide
4   Exposed the sea stars 
5   Clinging to the ferry dock. 
8   A little boy told me he'd touched one. 
6   "How did it feel?" I asked. 
0   "Weird. But fun." 
4   Just like the tide. 

Writing with a particular form, like a set number of lines, can free up our imagination. That doesn't seem logical, but that's how it works. 

Your phone is ringing. It wants its own poem!