Monday, August 29, 2011

"So Much Depends Upon" Poems

I just finished teaching two great weeks of writing camps! The best part, as always, was listening to the young writers' stories and poems. Some were funny, some were sad, and all the stories and poems showed that young writers have awesome, thoughtful, wacky, tremendous imaginations.

Two young writers wrote poems based on a famous poem by an American poet, William Carlos Williams. It's called "The Red Wheelbarrow," and it goes like this:

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

It seems so simple, right? Some of the best poetry is like that. But within this poem's simplicity are powerful images. After reading the poem, can't you vividly see the red wheelbarrow in the rain, and the white chickens beside it? And notice how Mr. Williams breaks up the lines: the words "barrow, water, and chickens" each gets its own line, so our eyes rest on it. Try reading the poem out loud, slowly. Did you notice how you gave a little extra "weight" to those words?

In the novel Hate That Cat by Sharon Creech, the character named Jack writes his own poem based on "The Red Wheelbarrow."

So much depends upon
a creeping cat
crouched in the tree
beside the yellow bus stop.

Here's one of mine:

so much depends

a bowl of oatmeal
waiting on an
orange table

on the first day of

Try writing your own "So Much Depends Upon" poem. Play around with colors, images, line spaces, and vivid words. And have a great first day of school!