Monday, February 14, 2011

A Letter to a Friend

Happy Valentine's Day!

To me, Valentine's Day is all about friendship. It's fun to make and exchange Valentines. But the fun doesn't have to stop after February 14th.

The time around Valentine's Day (or V-Day as I like to call it) is a great time to write a letter to a friend. Your letter doesn't have to be "mushy." You can simply list the reasons you like your friend.

Your friend could be the person who sits next to you at school, your neighbor down the block, your mom or dad, or even your dog or cat.

Let's say you want to write a letter to your dog. How about this?

Dear Dart,

I'm glad you're my dog. Here's why you are a great friend:

1. You always listen.
2. You don't hog all the space on the bed.
3. You love to run and so do I.
4. You wag your tail when I read to you.
5. You warm up my feet when I'm watching TV.

I hope you'll be my friend for a long, long time.

Your friend, Me

Try writing your own letter to a friend. When you're done, you can give the letter to your friend, but only if you want to. Just writing down what you like about a person (or animal) is a good way to remember how lucky you are to have a friend.